The heart of Mother Earth
From the forests of the Sierra Nevada, this
Grand cru coffee is loaded on board the "De Gallant" sailing ship, currently docked in Santa Marta. With a coast with one of the world's greatest biodiversity, reaching out from the Caribbean port to the high altitude glaciers, the Sierra Nevada is representing a land of ecological solutions for the future. It is also home to one of the world's finest and most oceanic coffee regions, thanks to its highest altitude gradient in the world.
Gold transported sustainably from the Sierra to the Seine
Organised by TOWT - Transport à la Voile, leading sailing ships French charterer, this transport will save nearly twenty tonnes of CO2, seeding for the future between the two ports. Setting sail as of Wednesday, the 12 tonnes of Arabica will be heading North-East. They are expected at the end of April in Le Havre, after a stopover in the Azores.
Sourced and optimally roasted, this coffee benefits a solid partnership with the schooner De Gallant after his first crossing in 2018 (
Find out more), allowing them to reach the market at an affordable price, a real indicator of the sustainability of an innovative approach.
Anemos blowin' the answer
Roasted locally and distributed under
Anemos label and the "The Answer" branding, this coffee represents for TOWT, which have been carrying by sail since 2011, a real and true evolution in volumes and commercial promotion. It is also a concrete foreshadow of the thousands of tonnes of cargoes that the
future ships will soon carry.